The Air-O-Cell® is a unique air sampling cassette specifically designed for the rapid collection of a wide range of airborne aerosols including mold spores, pollen, insect parts, skin cell fragments, fibers (e.g. asbestos, fiberglass, cellulose, clothing fibers, etc.) and inorganic particulate e.g. ceramic, fly ash, copy toner, etc.). The Air-O-Cell® collects both viable and non-viable sample specimens, providing a much broader overview of potential allergens contaminants than conventional sampling techniques
Common Test Codes related to this product:
Test Code 1054 (turnaround time can be selected on COC)
Air, Non-biological Particle Characterization, TAT 2-3 Day, Test Code 1026 (turnaround time can be selected on COC)
Chain of custody: click here.